The forming workshop

Casts from original model

It consists of detecting the cast from an original model, thus obtaining a form to be used to reproduce one or more copies identical to the model.
In our laboratories we carry out moldings in lost shape, in dowels, in rubber.

The lost form is made of plaster, on an original modeled in clay or plasticine. It is so defined because, once used to obtain the plaster model, this can be transformed only with the use of chisels that destroy the shape. It is the traditional molding used in sculptural art.

The dowel shape is made of plaster, usually on hard originals: marble, bronze, plaster, etc. The execution of dowels, with relative molding, is designed to obtain the draft of the model. From this type of shape, it is possible to obtain a certain number of copies. With this technique, until a few decades ago, classical masterpieces were replicated in plaster. It is still used to build plaster molds to produce terracotta and ceramics.

The rubber shape is made of silicone rubber, contained in a rigid mold. The elasticity and strength of the rubber allow the draft of the more complex models to take shape. On completion of forming, a mold will be obtained, which is capable of producing numerous copies identical to the original model. Due to these characteristics, the rubber shape has replaced that with blocks in the chalcography of works of art and in the relief of casts for restoration.